September 4, 2022

On September 4, 2022, our Elder Team shared a very heavy announcement with our church family regarding leadership of our RUSH youth ministry. You are invited to click above to watch this important announcement and the accompanying message in its entirety. Pastor Jeff followed up the elder announcement with a message that explored the Biblical truths that help us process our emotions and questions during this difficult time for our church family. We do not believe it would be helpful (and could cause significant harm to Jesus’ church) to engage in conversations about this announcement until you have fully reviewed the video in its entirety.
We all handle news of this nature in various ways. Again, it is normal to feel a vast range of emotions (shock, disappointment, anger, betrayal, confusion, sadness, guilt, judgment, etc.)
Some helpful guidance we would share that may help you process this situation is:
- Take it to God – He can handle whatever you are feeling. Talk to Him. Let Him come into this moment and help you through it.
- Don’t suffer in silence – reach out if you are hurting deeply so you can process with someone. However, guard your heart and refrain from straying into the realm of gossip regarding the situation.
- Meditate on Galatians 6:1 - to help guard your hearts and minds in the days and weeks ahead.
“Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.”
Jesus is still good and in full control of His church.
We are a church that does not tolerate sin, but is ready to show up with huge grace.
We believe there is an opportunity for repentance, healing and restoration to emerge for those affected by this announcement.
We are confident Crossroads will emerge from this season stronger and will use this present trial to help us press forward in our efforts to make Him known in our community.